Back to School Tips….

School is back in session in ONE week!! where did the summer go? On top of back to school anxiety, we have covid anxiety. The rules keep changing week by week. Am I the only one that was hoping and praying we would have a somewhat normal life again??? I think I was dreaming….

It’s time to start preparing your child for heading back to school. I have put together some great tips to get your child motivated and for a smooth transition back to school.

If your child is starting Kindergarten, here are some great tips to get them excited. Every child deals with a new school, new friends, new environment differently. My daughter took 1 month in Kindergarten before she stopped crying about going to school. Once she was at school, she was fine. It was getting her there. Not going to lie, it was rough. But we worked with her and her teachers to make her feel secure and eventually all fell into place.

  • Prepare your kindergartner by showing them where there school is and the surroundings.
  • Take a walk around the school yard with them. Bring a ball and play with them in the yard. They will feel comfortable once the first day comes around.
  • Start getting back on ” schedule”. Earlier bedtime- early wake up time. It will help get everyone on track.
  • Start planning your suppers at the time you may or will be having it once school starts. Kids are accustomed to a routine and this will help get you going.
  • Take your child grocery shopping for healthy school snacks. Allow them to be apart of the choices. They are most likely to eat them if they chose the snacks.
  • Tons of great books available for the return to school especially for Kindergartners. Check out the great selection of books at your local bookstore- Librairie Clio located in Plaza Pointe Claire

Older kids grades 1 and up. Here are some great tips as well.

  • A week before school starts, start to implement an earlier bedtime to get back into routine. Wake up time should be close to school wake up time. If you can slowly implement these tips it will make it easier for the first days of school.
  • Start talking with your child about the upcoming school year and the specifics of mask wearing and how things are still the same as last year. It’s important to be open and honest with your child. If your child is not used to wearing a mask, the best thing you can do is have them wear it at home for a few hours everyday so they get used to it. It’s so important for us as parents to lead by example. Our children take our cues and if you are angry or frustrated about the process, they will in turn take that on.
  • If your child is entering a new school, take them for a drive. Show them the building and grounds before school starts. Having a familiar start helps a lot with any child at any age.
  • Discuss with your child lunch options. I know from past experience as I have a fussy eater, having her decide on snacks and lunches helped her eat those lunches. Involve your child in the process.
  • Start implementing the school routine. This will help everyone get back on track.

This year has not started and it already seems like it’s going to be a challenge. Let’s work extra hard to make it easier on our kids. Lead by example and show your kids how strong and brave they are. One day at a time is my motto and that’s about all we can control right now. I hope and pray things get better in the coming months.

Have a safe return to school!