Every year my family and I say, let’s go apple picking and every year we are just too busy to get out and do this fun activity. Well this year we managed to do it!
We decided to head out with another family that we have been around on and off throughout this whole pandemic. This way my daughter had a friend to be with and it made it more enjoyable.
Was I nervous about going with a full fledged pandemic going on? heck yes. Would safety protocols be put in place? Would people social distance? Mask wearing? I had a million questions. Being an outdoor activity I knew we could easily social distance and still have fun.

We decided to head out to Quinn Farm. My main concern was how many people would be in attendance. You had to pre-order your tickets online and only a limited amount of people would be allowed. When we pulled into the parking lot I saw all the cars and thought ” whoa lots of people”. I was pleasantly surprised that it was the RIGHT amount of people. Pre-pandemic the place would have have been so packed with families that anywhere you went , it was wall to wall people. Well that was not the case on this day. Sure there were lots of people, but being in such a large environment everyone was spread out and respecting social distancing . We were so impressed as it was the perfect amount of people. Everyone was wearing masks around the snack area, store and the barn of animals. You also had to wear your mask on the tractor ride which everyone was respecting.
Out in the fields you could take your mask off. The space was large enough that you were never in contact with anyone. It was so nice to be outside on such a beautiful day without a mask creating special memories with your loved ones.
The tractor rides were sprayed before people got on which I was very impressed with. Hand sanitizer stations were set up everywhere. In the snack area, before sitting at a picnic table, you had to spray your table and wipe it. The products and towels were provided for you as well as a sink area with soap and water to wash your hand properly before eating. I was really impressed with all the measures put in place and felt very safe.
All in all it was a fantastic day and we will cherish these memories with family and friends. I highly recommend getting out there and doing this family fun activity. The kids will have a blast. Mommy Approved !!

For a Full Listing of Apple orchards around Montreal, check out our list by clicking Here.