Hello! My name is Susan Cohen. I’m so excited to be a part of the West Island Mommies family fun fair virtual event!Many of you know me from my toy company, Once Loved Toys. I’m here for another reason I’m super excited to say I’m also a Tupperware manager! I’ve been with Tupperware for about 3 and a half years, and absolutely love the products! The products have changed my life. They are more than a container to me!
Tupperware has 4 different systems to help you save time and money in the kitchen. They are for your pantry, freezer, fridge and cooking systems!
As a fun added bonus, I’m currently doing a raffle! Each square is $10 and you have two chances per square to win great prizes! So much fun! Don’t miss out!
In addition, here are the items currently on special!
For futher information, please feel free to contact me!
My website is https://susanc123.my.tupperware.ca//
I can also be found on Facebook through my business page and vip group!Feel free to join both! Fun gifts for joining and saying you are from westislandmommies!
Email: susanctupperware@gmail.com
Phone: 514-557-1396