For over 10 years Pure Plomberie has been doing things differently, providing a first-class client experience to its West Island customers. From the initial phone call with our in-house customer service agents, to the completion of any residential plumbing work it is a totally different way of doing business, light years ahead of the rest of the construction industry. We are game-changers, we care about our clients and employees.

At this time of the year, it is important to remove your garden hose and make sure that your outdoor faucets will resist the cold sub-zero temperatures. If you want to avoid having the pipes inside your home burst, call the residential experts right now for an appointment at 514-675-4045
Offering a 25$ rebate on all garden faucet replacement until November 30th, promo code WIM.

Pure Plomberie is recommended by CAA Québec is a member of the RBQ and CMMTQ. We only employ certified plumbers, our work is guaranteed, unlike your brother in law’s 😊
Instagram: @pureplomberie